วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

B- SLIM (Bilash's Success-guided Language Instruction Model)

B-SLIM is a planning model for second language teaching in classroom settings. 
Dr. Olenka Bilash, a professor at University of Alberta, has presented a cycle of B-SLIM Model. There are five cycle.

1.Planning and preparation is what we do before we enter the classroom. This part of B-SLIM includes knowing what resources can be used and where they can be found as well as how to adapt and develop resources to fit
2. The Giving It stage of B-SLIM is where the teacher chooses WHAT to teach and HOW to present it. Teachers also consider how to attract students attention and memories by building on what students already know and choosing and structuring learning into small steps to teach the “new” material.
3. Getting It, this stage of the model helps students to LEARN; that is to understand AND remember. This is important because if one cannot remember a concept- whether it be vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, cultural points or learning strategies- one cannot use it! Getting It activities help students understand the concept being taught at their own rate (self-paced) and through a variety of learning styles.  These activities need to be structured so that all students can succeed.
4. During the Using it stage of B-SLIM students engage in activities that require them to USE or apply what they have learned from memory (or with minimal assistance). Students solve problems, create, use their imaginations and are put in new situations or contexts in order to ‘transfer’ what they have learned. During this stage students might work in pairs, groups or on their own
5. The Proving It stage of B-SLIM is where the students are able to give PROOF of what they have learned. This learning is usually demonstrated through meaningful tasks for the student (usually something of high interest) that integrates many facets of the language including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, situations, functions. These tasks, either oral or written, 


